
Welcome to CiviLogica
July 15, 2011, 11:33 am
Filed under: Announcements

Thank for you visiting my newly-minted blog, CiviLogica. Here, I hope to explore civic, state, and national policy, with the occasional dose of science or skepticism thrown in–especially as they relate to Bay Area issues. Expect to see a lot about Berkeley and about urban planning, transportation, and sustainability, as these are my geographic and intellectual realms. Though my writing will of course be colored by my own perspectives and principles, I will strive always to take a reasoned, evidence-based approach to the issues I tackle. I welcome constructive feedback and topic suggestions, so do say hello.

The name CiviLogica is intended as wordplay on three main themes: civic issues, civil discourse, and logical bases. Here, I must recognize Dr. Steven Novella whose podcast, The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe, and blog, Neurologica, have inspired me intellectually and, in the case of the latter, phonetically.